
Sorgfjall is a city in Norðrtjorn, built into the side of an glacier, and almost completely made of ice. It is considered sacred to those native to Norðrtjorn and all violence stops within it’s walls. To cause violence is to summon the wrath of the ‘Iss Dróttning ‘ and her many ‘children’.
Sorgfjall is a city in Norðrtjorn, built into the side of an glacier, and almost completely made of ice. It is considered sacred to those native to Norðrtjorn and all violence stops within it’s walls. To cause violence is to summon the wrath of the ‘Iss Dróttning ‘ and her many ‘children’.
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Icchjarta is the largest and perhaps the only city in the cold reaches of the north. It is firmly planted on one of the few areas of land, but it's thick outer wall is covered always by a thick covering of ice and snow. Most if not all trade goes through this lone hub of the frozen north.
Icchjarta is the largest and perhaps the only city in the cold reaches of the north. It is firmly planted on one of the few areas of land, but it's thick outer wall is covered always by a thick covering of ice and snow. Most if not all trade goes through this lone hub of the frozen north.
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Norðrtjorn lies to the north of the continent and holds tundra and land locked glaciers along with loose ones. It is one of the coldest places of the continent and also one of the most barren. However, despite the freezing environments, with the help of gems, mankind has managed to make a way living in the massive glaciers. Antarticite is mostly born on it's coastlines.
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